i dont like them that much but.....here you go!!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Starry Night By: Anne sexton

    I think that this poem has lots of meaning behind it because it shows a lot
of emotion. What really liked about this sonnet is that it has a small quote at
 the top heading. The quote says that he has a terrible need of religion. And
that after he goes out to paint the stars at night. I think that this quote or
excerpt has some meaning. And that you just have to be able to understand
what van gogh was trying to tell his brother in the letter. 
   In the poem there was little repetition and some rhyme. The repetition I
thought was really cool how the poet said “I want to die” at the end of the
first to paragraphs. These were my favorite two lines in the sonnet because
I thought that this line was the one line with more significance out of all of
them. I thought the author was trying to show how the person inside the
poem was feeling at the time. 
     I think that the poet was trying to express her feelings or what she
thought van gogh was feeling because she uses a lot of like death like
words. For example another line that was interesting was the one that said
“my life with no flag.” I thought that this line could have multiple meanings.
Like maybe she was trying to say that his life had no meaning, or that his life
 was worthless. I also thought that maybe it meant that his life had no
boundaries or end.
   In the end I thought that this was a very well composed sonnet, I thought
that it had lots of emotions and feelings.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

final sonnet

The girl is friendly and really nice.

She is athletic and loves a good fight.

She loves all sports, her favorite involves ice.

She loves the color of the field, its icy white.

That’s right, her passion is hockey.

She’s not a sore loser, but does like winning.

And when she does win she never does get cocky.

Either way, through the game all you see is grinning.

On her free time she absolutely loves reading.

All genres are fine except for fiction.

She knows that fiction can be misleading.

So she reads poetry, it’s like her addiction.

Your average girl, who tends to go for a run

But still loves to have lots and lots of fun.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Reading response

Iam reading the book on the devils court it is a really good book so far, I think that this book shows alot about he ways some kids live . In this book Joe is always trying to live up to his fathers standards. Joe always must have straight As in all his classes in a way it's like peer pressure just with the difference that he is bringer pressured by his dad and not some bully in school. Joe tries to live up to his fathers expectations but it's hard for him because Joe is not the bookworm or geek type. All Joe wants to do is play basketball all the time. It's hard for Joe be quad he doesn't like to disspaion his father in any way.
Because of this Joe starts to play basket ball behind his parents back and soon gets caught he feels as if his parents are controlling his life . They wouldn't let him choose the high school he felt more comfarotble going to and they were always there choosing his friends for him. This is why when he is grounded for a week he really gets into a book his dad gave him.this book is about some guy who sold his soul to the devil. Joe gets curious because they both have the same last name and Joe wonders if hey might be related.
I think this book is a great example isle parents handling yur life i Also shows how pressure cand drive kids to do things they don't want to or feel like they have to do:)