i dont like them that much but.....here you go!!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Starry Night By: Anne sexton

    I think that this poem has lots of meaning behind it because it shows a lot
of emotion. What really liked about this sonnet is that it has a small quote at
 the top heading. The quote says that he has a terrible need of religion. And
that after he goes out to paint the stars at night. I think that this quote or
excerpt has some meaning. And that you just have to be able to understand
what van gogh was trying to tell his brother in the letter. 
   In the poem there was little repetition and some rhyme. The repetition I
thought was really cool how the poet said “I want to die” at the end of the
first to paragraphs. These were my favorite two lines in the sonnet because
I thought that this line was the one line with more significance out of all of
them. I thought the author was trying to show how the person inside the
poem was feeling at the time. 
     I think that the poet was trying to express her feelings or what she
thought van gogh was feeling because she uses a lot of like death like
words. For example another line that was interesting was the one that said
“my life with no flag.” I thought that this line could have multiple meanings.
Like maybe she was trying to say that his life had no meaning, or that his life
 was worthless. I also thought that maybe it meant that his life had no
boundaries or end.
   In the end I thought that this was a very well composed sonnet, I thought
that it had lots of emotions and feelings.

1 comment:

  1. actually Jessica in the third paragraph when you say she tried to show how Shakespeare was feeling, it isn't Shakespeare's painting it's VAN GOGH'S, just wanted to let you know. and if you don't like my post you can delete it. Just saying. But the post itself was good.
