i dont like them that much but.....here you go!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

social action post

        For my article i wrote about football players, and how their lives can be decreased, because of severe concussions that they may suffer during practice or a game. these concussions make the football players have severe head trauma. This long term affect can effect their physical as well as their mental health. this is a serious issue because it can lead to other mental diseases. like hemorrhage in the skull. this would eventually lead to death.
football players!!!:0

      This is an issue because if these football player coaches don't do anything right that second, it can most likely begin to be the cause of many more head injuries such as: concussions, head trauma, and internal bleeding in the brain. these types of injuries can be prevented or treated in many ways. one way  take to take of a situation like this is to treat it right away. take this player, (no matter what the sport.) right away to the closest hospital.
football players bumping heads...concussion!!!!!!!

      All football players should wear gear protection such as helmets, elbow pads, and knee pads. helmets don't always prevent head injuries but they do help alot. so if you play a sport that is like football, remember to always wear your protective gear.
source: wwwsciencedaily.com

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