i dont like them that much but.....here you go!!!

Friday, April 13, 2012


    In this students blog post, what he/she did wrong was that they plagiarized. They
simply copied and pasted off of a website. Instead of plagiarizing, the student could have
 properly cited this website, or they could have paraphrased. If they wanted to cite this
 website, they could’ve quoted the words. So for example “there is the night filled with
swirling clouds.”(Vincent van Gogh: starry night.)

     There are many ways to avoid plagiarism. One way is to cite your sources. Include
where you got your information on. Don’t just copy and paste. Another way to avoid
plagiarism is to paraphrase. Reword the sentence(s) that you want to include in your
paragraph. Or don’t just copy and paste. If you don’t like jail don’t plagiarize ….. Thank
you have a wonderful life J

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