i dont like them that much but.....here you go!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Giver

    I am currently reading The Giver, by lois lowry. i didn't think that i would enjoy this book that much, because it looked rally boring. turns out that i do actually enjoy so far how the book is being told. the main character who is Jonas, is selected to be the next memory receiver they tell him that this will be very painful in many indescribable ways. the elders Say that they know that they have chosen well because the receiver needs courage and wisdom. some qualities that Jonas will either learn to develop or already has.
        Jonas is afraid, but doesn't regret being chosen for this job. he feels lots of honor because not everybody gets chosen for this job very often. in his first day of training he experiences lots of new things. he later learns that he has many qualities that other citizens in sameness ( their village name.)don't have. one of these qualities that he is developing is the ability to see color. his first color was to be red.  while i was reading the book i wondered why the first color that he was seeing had to be red. maybe the author did it intentionally or maybe he just happened to choose the color red. 
Anyway so far in two days i am 3/4 of the book done. i recommend this book. its really good. i had never read a lois lowry book before but i really enjoyed this book so i will try to read his book more often.


  1. I think that alot of the time you meant to say I, but instead you kept saying "i". So, that was one problen, but I like how you had details and it helped me understand the book better.

    P.S.- LOVE YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I like how you concluded with a self recommendation, and you had a well written summary!

  3. You had a lot of I's just keep elaborating and you will be fine
