i dont like them that much but.....here you go!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A tree grows in brooklyn

       I am Reading the book A tree grows in Brooklyn, by Betty smith   I have(so far) really enjoyed this book very much. so far i have read about the main character named Francie. Francie and her family... The Nolans, live in brooklyn back in 1902. they live in the 'slums of  williamsburg' back then Francie and her brother Neely, didnt have any doubt as to what being poor felt like. In fact they knew more about being poor than they should have, at that age anyway. 
    Francie  Is a very interesting girl. as she grows up she begins to develop, or gain some wisdom. she starts to see the way things are a bit differently, than when she was younger. as she develops this wisdom, she tries to be more open minded than she orgianally was. when francie was younger she and her brother used to walk around looking down at the floor trying to see if they got lucky and foung some change to buy the cheapest candy at that time......cherry mints. 
    i dont have the main focus yet because i just started bu im pretty sure that the main point is probably poverty. so for now thats all i have so far.                        

1 comment:

  1. Nice Blog post......But I think you should elaborate more
